Welcome to a new website <strong>Interacta global network</strong>

Who we are

Who we are

Who we are

Initially, a group of experts and enthusiasts from USA, Italy, Germany, and Slovenia. We each have our personal field of endeavor – education, military, civil-military cooperation, development, humanitarian organizations, developing new digital tools, publishing, administering in governmental institutions, peacebuilding missions and many others. 

What are the words that are common denominators describing us in the best possible way: working for peace, to avoid and if necessary manage crises including complex ones such as the covid-19 pandemic through new and intensive interaction between subject matter experts. Our goals are simple and logical: to develop more resilient citizens, states, and institutions with the help of scientists, education systems, politicians, and media.  It is necessary to understand the world better (we do not own it). We are on a Spaceship and on a spaceship, everything is limited. We must learn how to live with limited resources, now, not tomorrow.  The best result: it is not the same for upper 1% and the rest of 99% if we are concentrated on extracting economy but if we are looking holistically it is the same at the end for 100% - nobody can escape on Mars yet and life on Mars will be more limited than on a spaceship World. 

It is not a secret that we have a plenty of space for all of you with similar ideas and ways of thinking or even those who are opposed to some of our ideas and solutions. Welcome! Please send us an email with basic data (education, work experience, interest…). And wait for our response – we will answer as fast as possible. 


Thomas Matyók, Ph.D. is Executive Director of the Joint Civil-Military Interaction Network and Senior Lecturer in Conflict Analysis and Resolution at Middle Georgia State University, USA. He conducts high-impact, policy-relevant studies regarding the strategic environment, its principle strategic challenges, and the relative balance of national and human security ends, ways, and means to contend with them. Tom also investigates ways of merging design and conflict analysis and resolution methodologies to achieve a multi-dimensional understanding of conflict. Hi is a member of Interacta Global Network.

Srečko Zajc was in his career journalist, chief editor, manager, secretary general of the national Red Cross society. He joined to the MoD in 2008 and developed Slovenian civilian contribution to the ISAF. Until September 2019 he served as Director General of the Defense Affairs Directorate. Main subjects: Defense plan, Critical Infrastructure Protection, resilience, civilian support to the military, civil-military cooperation, and interaction. In June 2019, the NATO CCOE awarded him with the CIMIC Award of Excellence. Hi is a member of Interacta Global Network. 

Ansgar Gohlke serves as Civil- Military Interaction staff- officer in the Multinational Joint Headquarters in Ulm, Germany. Since 2013, his task is to facilitate Civil- Military Interaction in Joint Planning, Joint Coordination, Joint Support, Joint liaison and civil-military training and education. Hi is a member of Interacta Global Network.

Maja Minič has extensive experience in the field of information systems analysis and development both in corporate and governmental environments; furthermore, she has cooperated in several national and international projects dealing with the issue of cyber security with emphasis on social media and youth. Ms. Minič acted as the lead expert in a national project titled Education as a Strategic Method Against the Illegal Use of Internet, which included development and implementation of a gamified e-learning portal in the field of cyber security for children and teenagers. She is a member of Interacta Global Network and she can be reached at: maja.minic01@gmail.com
Francesca Dell’Acqua is a high-energy professional working with the UN, NATO, EU, OSCE, academic institutions and other international organizations in the field of international development, post-conflict reconstruction, governance and democratization, civil military relations, humanitarian assistance and human rights. Francesca is a Trainer in negotiation, intercultural communication, security and gender issues with experience gained in conflict and post-conflict areas in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

Iztok Prezelj, Ph.D., is a Professor and Vice-Dean for Scientific Research at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. He is directing research process in the Institute of Social Sciences with 20 research centers (https://www.fdv.uni-lj.si/en/research/institute-of-social-science). He was a Head of Defence Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences in the period from 2015-2017. His teaching and research activities cover national security, threat and risk assessment, terrorism & counterterrorism, comparative defence systems, crisis management and critical infrastructure. Iztok Prezelj is a President of the Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia (http://en.euroatlantic.org/). He is a member of Interacta Global Network and he can be reached at: iztok.prezelj@fdv.uni-lj.si. Further info can be obtained on: https://www.fdv.uni-lj.si/en/news-and-information/contacts/teachers/info/iztok-prezelj